
Do you like variation as far as breakfast is concerned?  I do. After my run this morning I was not in the mood of preparing a bun or a bread. And the eggs in my fridge didn’t attract me either this morning, but the blueberries attracted my attention as soon as I noticed them. Why not starting the day with a smoothie? Immediately I decided to prepare a Banana-Blueberry-Smoothie. This decision was made for at least three reasons. Firstly the banana-blueberry-smoothie is very easy to prepare a smoothie, secondly it does not take much time, which is always good on busy mornings. Thirdly I love its taste, because I only put in things I like.

So here is another easy going recipe idea for you.

Check the banana-blueberry-smoothie out out and have fun! By the way your fantasy is not limited. I would be pleased, if you send me your variations to this recipe.


This recipe is also available in German on See

Print Recipe
  1. Wash and dry the blueberries.
  2. Set some aside to skewer them.
  1. Peel the banana and cut into slices.
  2. Set some slices aside to skewer them.
  1. Place the ingredients in a blender.
  2. Blend them until they are smooth.
  3. Now skewer the rest of the blueberries and the banana.
  4. Pour the smoothie into a glass and garnish it with the peppermint leaves and the skewered fruits.
  5. Enjoy your breakfast!